Hot Stone.....
Using Hot Stone heated in a Slow Cooker... The stones are placed gently on the naked back and allowed to sit until cool.....
The Stones when heated assist the Client to release any toxicity  within....(EMOTIONAL TOXICITY>>>>)......
Definetly recommended if wanting a complete healing session....

Using Hot Stones, heated in a slow cooker,  slowly after intuitively choosing one, in the palm of my hand, gently massage the back of the client,  can be very emotional for client...but the feedback has been that people feel very relaxed, refreashed, calm, revitatlized and ready to cope with any given situation within......

Please  before we get started I must have a medicial history so I am able to assist you in the best possible way I can... I do not diagnose or cure but  assist in the Healing within, from an emotional base.........
Used  within an 1/2 hr, or 1 hr , 2 hr Healing session with other healing modalities.......