I love working with Tarot/Oracle decks..... not to tell the Querant what to do but to empower the Sitter, the Client in their own personal truth, life, journey, path.....

Each step they take in their life must be on a conscious level.... it must be their own choice.........

Link through to Tarot info on Spiritual Journey

This answers some incredible questions re Tarot Readers..


1o Things your Tarot Reader won't Tell YOu...



Do All  Readers read the same way?

No, Different Readers will read tarot working with other  skills so will recieve messages differently.......

Each reader may read very differently... some speak, some type, some will record their readings..Each Reader will work with a different method, work with different decks , there is no right or wrong way to read tarot.........


Is Tarot of any particular Religion or faith?

No, tarot is of no Religious Domination..... You can be of any faith to Read Tarot or go for a reading.....There is no discrimination.... many decks maybe based on different faiths or cultures, but there is no prefered belief.........


Do You have to believe in The Spirit World to work with Tarot?

No, you can work  with the cards by having no connection to Spirit........even though there are many who read working with Spirit,  there are many who work with the cards by understanding the symbology within each card........and are incredibly accurate......


Is it easy to work with Tarot?

Everyone works with Tarot by learning them differently.... some learn from reading the book, learning the meanings and developing from there...
Others learn by working with each card, meditating and writing (journaling) how the card makes them feel, what they see etc and learning to read by doing Daily spreads, then 3 card, 5 card, 7 card, 9 card and 10 card spreads.......and moving on from doing readings for self, then friends and family, then strangers, then going Pro by doing  readings at Expo's fairs, coffee shops, cafes , email and moving to doing it as a business several days a week........


What happens when a Reader offers a removal of curse, major healing,  an updated reading after giving me a one -three card reading for exuberant  prices.....?

If a reader trys to tempt you for another session by charging you very high prices by appealing to your emotions......... do not..do it........ each step you take must be of your own choice, becasue you must be ready for each step of your journey......The prices should be on par with the going rate in your area, region, state, city, Country....etc......Trust your intuition, your gut feeling.. if it does not feel right.......do not do it.......


What about Phone Readings?

Be aware; they charge by the minute... it can get quite expensive , because they keep you chatting for aslong as they can.....

Face to face and Email Readings usually have set prices  so no hidden surprises.........(Price is agreed on before the readings...)


Any other questions please email me......... .wishing to share and learn Tarot check out http://www.tarotforum.net     Message board share and learn tarot, do readings for others for feedback......


There are many different Tarot decks with different pictures, themes........ 78 Cards 22 Major 56 Minor Arcana  check out http:// www.aeclectictarot.net

The Major Arcana

0 the fool (Novice, Student) travels a journey through to 21 The World (Completion) becomming The Expert, the Master........ (Different decks will name the cards differently.....)

The Minor Arcana




The Court Cards....





(Different decks mau use different names...)


Four Suits represent The Four Elements






(Different decks may work with different names for each suit...)

With many other correspondances.....with symbols and imagery... the Tarotoligist (the Reader)...is given and able to share information with the Querant (the Sitter, the Client)... This information enables the Querant to discover issues that need to face, what they have been through, where they are headed.....what they need to do to achieve goals and desires..........Emotional issues...... The readings that I type up for a Querant do not involve Lottery, do not tell you who you will meet inregards to Soul Mates, love.......Marriage, I will not give specific dates........I will not close any doorways.......but allow you to walk through new Gateways...... These readings empower who you are.......I work with Native American Tarot   Sacred Path Cards and a Crystal Ally Card...For main Tarot Reading ....but .There are many different  Oracle decks available ......Since I now have 36 Tarot/Oracle decks .......Crystal Wisdom kitSpirit StonesRunesI-Ching cards........and  an ever growing collection....lol........